Asking for help is tough. Trust me, as someone who held the perception that reaching out to obtain an extra hand to get something done is burdening to others, I get it. To save anyone from feeling inconvenienced, I will consider multiple options just to see if I can accomplish what I need without interrupting someone else’s energy.
I acknowledge self sufficiency to be an incredible trait and quality to hold, however, there is a point where it can become an unhealthy obsession. That is exactly what feeling ashamed, fearful even to reach out and ask for help will become. While I will forever admire a woman’s independence, I can’t help but admit that trying to do “it all” just isn’t possible all the time and asking for help doesn’t make you any less independent, self sufficient or weak! Acknowledging our moments of need is a clear indication that we are strong enough to know when we’ve physically or mentally reached the max. Not only that but there is nothing at all wrong with doing so, people genuinely enjoy when you’ve chosen to lean on them.
Truth is, we worry way too much about what people will say, seeming incompetent or being rejected, that we don’t give them the opportunity to show just how much our outreach for help may have in turned helped them.
4 Reasons to Ask For Help
- Success Depends on It
We want to be successful, likely in a profession or space that someone else is in, however we feel like asking for help is a sign we don’t belong. That if we didn’t arrive with stories of significant struggle we don’t belong. - Realize other people’s capabilities
You never know what you’ll learn about the individuals you reach out to for help. One of the most enjoyable things for me when asking for help is learning more about what the other person knows. We sometimes have a condensed and controlled perspective of people due to our spaces we interact with them in, especially in professional outlets. Because of this, we aren’t aware of ALL the wonderful things some have experienced or what unique skills or traits they may be willing to share as inspiration with you. - Reduces Stress
Asking for help is more rewarding than it seems. We can reduce a lot of stress by agreeing to accept a joint collaboration. Any tension I feel when I’m trying to get more than I’ve bargained for done, is immediately reduced when I acknowledge that I can only do so much with the amount of time and resources I have so it might be the time to bring in reinforcements. Usually when I’ve done this, I immediately feel like I’ve made the right decision. - The Goal is to be Proactive, not Procrastinate
Wondering why you haven’t been able to wrap up the project you’ve had on your plate for a few weeks/months? It’s likely your pride, and refusal to admit you need a little assistance. What could have been finished within a decent time frame and still produced in your preferred form of quality has now been delayed, occupying time, thoughts and resources that could have been allocated to other projects.