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5 Creative ‘No Contact’ Team Building Activities
My office typically puts on a quarterly activity for the employees to help boost morale and get everyone out and interacting with one another, especially those who don't work directly with one another. One activity I look forward to most each year is baseball games in the company suite. Growing up I played softball and with me not being in an active league and since moving to Dallas, I love having access to the Rangers Stadium and seeing them ... Read the Post...
Daily Affirmations | Positive Self Talk
I have a fierce belief that what we speak and what we think become our actions and our actions become our reality. Growth is a continuous process especially personal growth. Sometimes its difficult to escape the pressing thoughts of invalidity, but having a health mentality can be the resolution to so many of our issues, starting with habits of self-affirmation. We don't realize how brutally impactful our internal dialogue can be on us. ... Read the Post...
Build the Perfect Skin Care Routine with
How is your self care regimen and routine looking like these days? I must say, with there being so many products and brands to choose from, it can sometimes be overwhelming finding what works best for my skin, and lets face it, my budget. I definitely don't like spending on products that I end up throwing in the cabinet and never using again. Luckily, Target actually gives shoppers the option to take home beauty products and return any they ... Read the Post...